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Sleep is something that is hard to come by on this trip, but we all got to enjoy that luxury Two days ago. Although most of us continued to naturally wake up at 8 in the morning, there were a select few who made the most of our day off in Missoula, Montana by sleeping in until noon. For those of us who decided to seize the day, Montana provided us with many opportunities for fun activities. A group of us went to hike the local mountain named “M” Mountain, because of the large concrete “M” that sits at the top of the mountain for the University of Montana. The top of the mountain gave us a great view of the city and the surrounding hills. Montana is a very pretty state that reminds me a lot of my home state: Colorado.

When we all woke up yesterday morning, everyone took the time to give their fathers a call given that it was Father’s day! It was good to talk to my dad and the family to update them on everything that has been going on with us. Throughout the day, everyone got their errands finished at the local bike shops and we cleaned the vans for the first time. After we all got our errands done, we had a sponsored dinner at a local Chinese restaurant.

The dinner was sponsored by Jeremy Jones, his sister and her family. Jeremy was the Project Manager for the Trans America route last year and was a great guy to get to know. The food was all great and we were stuffed by the end of the meal, because it was a buffet style meal. Jeremy is going to be doing a ride along with us later on in the summer and we are all looking forward to seeing him again!

Everyone did really well riding and there was a tail wind so we kept a really good pace! We got into the town Philipsburg Montana. We had a sponsored dinner through the rotary club of the town and it was really good... really good. We had these things call pasties, which if you were to look up the word in the dictionary, it would say that a pasty is something completely different than what we ate last night. It was this meal that was made for miners when Philipsburg was a silver mining town, and it is basically a bunch of beef and vegetables wrapped into a pastry roll that the workers would take into the mine for lunch.

What was great about the day, was that outside the school that we were staying at there was the most epic play place/swing-set or whatever you would call it. Lets just say that we played tag for 2 hours outside on the play set! It might have been the most fun that I have had in a really long time! All of us turned back into little children again, when all of the ground was lava, and the lava monster hunted us all. We had a great time! I think that JOH is like a time for all of us to become children again, it has been pretty fun, I havent done that in a really long time! The trip is going great so far and we have had a ton of eye opening and great experiences so far! Check out my photos tab to see the photos from the trip!

“Chances lost are hopes torn up pages”

Take every chance you can in life, because every chance gives you the opportunity to change you life or the lives of your loved ones for the better.

Until next time,

Enjoy the ride!


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