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Enemy from Birth

Everyone has an enemy, Batman had the Joker, Superman had Lex Luthor, and Rob Hamilton(me) has been in an epic arms race since birth with the Sun. The great protector sunscreen is no match for the suns greatest weapon, UV rays... Hopefully this summer ill be able to find something that can fend off these skin reddening bullets, but until then im just gonna have to deal...

I rode my bike home(Aurora) from boulder the other day. It took 3 hours to do which wasnt too bad for 54 miles. There is not much to do on a bike for three hours besides trying not to be hit by cars and think. And I didnt get hit by a car, so that was a positive! But thinking is something that I did do. I thought most about the weird people that I saw while riding through the parts of Denver that are not as well off. At one point I pulled over to ask a guy standing on the street for directions. Lets just say that this guy had no front teeth and a bag full of open alcohol bottles. It was 11 in the morning... I've never really thought about how different people or different sects of society associate memories in their heads, especially how they give directions. This guy in particular described every turn or landmark where I needed to turn in relation to where the nearest liquor store was. He was quite helpful, and I got where I needed to go, but I just thought that it was hilarious how he gave his directions to me. It also reminded me of Boulders own, Fletcher, the meandering homeless man that wears a USA hockey jersey. A couple buddies and I saw him the other night drinking out of solo cups just sitting on the ground.... oh different lives people live....
I only have a couple of weeks left before I leave on the Journey of Hope and I am beginning to actually feel prepared. Well as prepared as you could ever be to ride your bike 4000 miles in a summer. Im excited to get going, not only to ride, but to make a difference and make memories with fraternity brothers from across the nation.

Thanks for the support, and until next time, enjoy the ride!


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